Keys to species Cladophora Kutzing

1 Plants attached, more or less erect
1 Plants matted, entangled, or somewhat detahed, forming masses in rocks or tide pools
2 Filaments 80 - 150µ diam., rather loosely entangled
C. expansa
2 Filaments 60 - 80 µ diam., notably curled and more closely entangled
C. crispua
3. Plants coarse andr rather stiff, with the main filaments exceeding 300 µ diam.
3. Plants softer and usually more delicate
4. Plants loosely branched, bright gree
C. catenifera
4. Plants closely branched, blackening when dried
5. Branchlets fasciculate and plants bushy
5. Branchlets not fasciculate, often curved to one side, the plants somewhat cushionlike
C. fuliginosa
6. Branchlets distinctly clustered, the main axes over 200µ diam.